#sitNL – the lost recordings

The lost sitNL recordings? No, Ali found them, thank you very much. So why the lost recordings?

What happens if a lot of SAP NetWeaver enthusiasts gather on a Saturday to share knowledge, but forget to push some buttons in Adobe Connect? You will have a mixture of successful and failed recordings ;-) We now have:
  • Sessions with audio and video (hurrah)
  • Sessions without any audio (for all you lip readers ;-)
  • Sessions without video (podcast style)
  • Sessions without any audio or video (so, no recording)
So how to improve in 2014? Any volunteers? Any Adobe Connect professionals in the house at November 29th?

The found sitNL recordings:

Twan van den Broek
No sound, but with Mr. Bean ;-)
Matthias Steiner
With sound
Niels Willems, Danny Holten
With sound
Ronald Konijnenburg, Xavier Hacking, Jeroen van der Aa, Sven van Leuken
No sound
Njal Stabell
No sound
Wouter Lemaire
With sound, but video gone from 1:20 L
Tamas Szirtes

With sound, but no video

I’ve also added the links to our recap blog at SCN.


I'll take the blame here. Should have given the setup a good testrun before sitNL. After the two successful sessions we had to switch the webcam to another laptop because I needed mine for my session. After that things went downhill and the mic suddenly did not record any sound. Somehow I couldn't get it fixed. My apologies :(

Now I could walk away from the whole webcam operator business (lol) but instead I will make sure that I'll get it right for sitNL 2014!
tbroek said…
Hi Roel, this was not meant personally. A whole room filled with technicians and no one able to support and get it fixed. We all should take the blame.

Lesson learned: sitNL 2014 - try Adobe Connect BEFORE the event ;-)

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