SAP TechEd Top 10
With only 13 days to go I need to finalize my TechEd schedule soon. But so many sessions to choose from, 309 in total and only 3 days to plan them in. I know it is a kind of luxury problem, it must be the same feeling as my kids have in the toy shop ;-) Remind me building a business case to attend TechEd USA next year. Then I have 5 days to plan sessions ;-) Past two years I focused on Composite Applications and the Visual Composer . This year it is time for the next level, the next big thing in SAP land: Business Process Management . I am signing up (reserving a seat) for: BPM160, Building Your Own Composite Business Processes From Scratch With SAP NetWeaver BPM BPM262, How to Use Business Rules With Business Process Management And I will get in line for COMP278, Service Composition with ES Repository and Composite Application Framework BPM260, The ABC's of Modeling and Using Business Rules in SAP NetWeaver CE IM264, Embedded SAP NetWeaver BI with SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer 7...