SAP TechEd Tweet Top 10

Still suffering from the SAP TechEd hangover? At least I am, not that I didn’t enjoy my time over there. Not at all – I really appreciated the event – again. Appreciated the fact that SAP is sending a stable (SAP NetWeaver ;-) message into the world, appreciated to have met all my SAP friends (aka SAP family) again and still feel honored to be part of the SAP Mentor program and by that meeting very interesting people. So that’s why I’m still suffering from the SAP TechEd hangover ;-)

A short look back to last week helps me getting over it. To do so I will use Twitter. Let me share some alternative Top 10’s with you.

SAP InnoJam Madrid Twitter Top 10

With the help from TwUniverse by Martijn Linssen I could analyse all the #InnoJamMa tweets. Here are the results.

1. Greg Chase (@gregchase) with 46 tweets (8%)
2. Fred Verheul (@fredverheul) with 36 tweets (6%)
3. Ivan Femia (@ivanfemia) with 32 tweets (6%)
4. Tim Guest (@timtheguest) with 30 tweets (5%)
5. DJ Adams (@qmacro) with 30 tweets (5%)
6. Marilyn Pratt (@marilynpratt) with 29 tweets (5%)
7. Twan van den Broek (@tbroek) with 25 tweets (4%)
8. Gregor Wolf (@wolf_gregor) with 24 tweets (4%)
9. Chris Kernaghan (@boobboo) with 20 tweets (3%)
10. Roel van den Berge (@roelvdberge) with 16 tweets (3%)

Who was most influential? Please allow me to draw that conclusion on base of tweets got retweeted.
@gregchase (20 = 10.9%);@timtheguest (16 = 8.7%); @qmacro (16 = 8.7%); @tbroek (12 = 6.5%); @marilynpratt(12 = 6.5%); @fredverheul (12 = 6.5%); @jonerp (10 = 5.4%); @wolf_gregor (10 = 5.4%); @ruinogueira (8 = 4.3%); @sapteched (7 = 3.8%)

SAP TechEd Twitter Top 10

Twitter limits the amount of tweets to analyse, fortunately @SAPCommNet created an archive with Twapperkeeper. Here is the #SAPTechEd EMEA Top 10.

1. SAPTechEd (@sapteched) with 376 tweets
2. Chip Rodgers (@chiprodgers) with 278 tweets
3. Fred Verheul (@fredverheul) with 181 tweets
4. SAPCommNet (@SAPCommNet) with 178 tweets
5. Mark Yolton (@MarkYolton) with 175 tweets
6. Tom Cenens (@tomcenens) with 174 tweets
7. Tridip Chakraborthy (@tridipchakra) with 139 tweets
8. Martin Gillet (@mgillet) with 137 tweets
9. Twan van den Broek (@tbroek) with 133 tweets
10. Matthias Steiner (@steinermatt) with 129 tweets

Unfortunately no RT-ed archive available :-(
You can have a look for yourself in the Twapperkeeper archive.


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