#sitNL analysis in Tweets


Another recap on this years #sitNL. Let's have a look at the tweets that have been published. A tool like TwUniverse provides a lot of fun. Thanks to Martijn Linssen.

872 tweets, starting at 20 Nov 2011 18:50:33 and ending at 28 Nov 2011 07:08:24 on: #sitNL. That is 4.84 per hour

Top 10 most active participants
  1. @steinermatt (78=9%) 
  2. @fredverheul (59=7%);
  3. @qmacro (56=6%)
  4. @martijnlinssen (49=6%)
  5. @thorstenster (45=5%) 
  6. @wolf_gregor (44=5%)
  7. @tbroek (36=4%) 
  8. @ttrapp (33=4%)
  9. @mgillet (33=4%)
  10. @lvhengel (27=3%)

Top 10 influential (based on getting RT-ed)
  1. @qmacro (26 = 9.8%)
  2. @fredverheul (18 = 6.8%)
  3. @wolf_gregor (17 = 6.4%)
  4. @steinermatt (14 = 5.3%)
  5. @tbroek (13 = 4.9%)
  6. @boobboo (12 = 4.5%)
  7. @roelvdberge (11 = 4.2%) 
  8. @thorstenster (10 = 3.8%)
  9. @lvhengel (10 = 3.8%)
  10. @jpenninkhof (9 = 3.4%)

Top 10 most mentioned
Got me or got you?
  1. @tbroek (62 = 9.6%)
  2. @jpenninkhof (50 = 7.7%)
  3. @thorstenster (44 = 6.8%)
  4. @qmacro (40 = 6.2%)
  5. @steinermatt (40 = 6.2%)
  6. @roelvdberge (34 = 5.2%)
  7. @mrspenninkhof (33 = 5.1%) 
  8. @martijnlinssen (28 = 4.3%)
  9. @fredverheul (26 = 4.0%)
  10. @wsnoep (18 = 2.8%)

Among all other tweets I am very proud on the two listed below.

Thank you @SAPCIO for your tweet:


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