SAP TechEd && d-code season is happening real soon. In only a few weeks season start is given in Las Vegas. Personally I will attend the Berlin version in November. Next to all the latest and greatest from SAP there is this special night - DemoJam. The ultimate innovation competition for SAP technicians. And yes Leo and I have submitted a proposal. We took the winning concept from SAP Inside Track InnoJam NL earlier this year around CARE-MIT.
CARE-MIT where care points can be exchanged for care.
Earn care points by giving care to care takers. Exchange care points for care that you are not able to provide yourself.
We think it's a strong business case using SAP technology like SAP HANA Cloud Platform, UI5 and some external libraries. Let's hope we can bring CARE-MIT to DemoJam stage.
Winning SAP Inside Track InnoJam NL is not something we did alone. Many thanks to
- Niels Willems
- Sven van Leuken
- Ronald Konijnenburg
- Ayoub El Mobarik
- Peter Tonies
- Jacinta Noort
- Celine Estripeau
for a great InnoJam event in April.
Pictures are in my SIT InnoJam NL album.
DemoJam Berlin - Here comes CareMiT!