
Showing posts from 2015

Recap CodeJam SAPUI5 's Hertogenbosch

SAP Sports One and SAPUI5 November 20, one day before the SAP Inside Track Netherlands ( sitnl in short) 28 developers gathered at The Next View for an SAP CodeJam. Denise Nepraunig and Andreas Kunz lead us into the wonderful world of sapui5 . As a special feature we not only covered the UI5 basics but also got briefed on building custom controls. Like SAP did heavily with the SAP Sports One app:

Podcast UI5 CodeJam, News and Project Experiences

In this episode Jan Penninkhof and me sat together with: Denise Nepraunig Martine van der Veen  Andreas Kunz Kimmo Jokinen Jan Willem Molenaar Dennis Duivenbode Together we discussed the SAP CodeJam on UI5 at The Next View, got some UI5 news and talked about live experiences with UI5.

Agenda sitNL 007 - The Cloud Is Not Enough

Here's the scoop you were all waiting for ... the agenda from SAP Inside Track Netherlands. This Saturday somewhere in the Netherlands all saptd secret agents gather and share latest insights on all fun SAP stuff. The Cloud Is Not Enough, we want more. We want to reach out for space Anyway, thanks to 25 (!!) great speakers we were able to establish our agenda for 2015.

SAP DemoJam 2015 - SPECTR

Jan Penninkhof and I made it to the final 6 teams of SAP's InnoJam . And that got us on stage at DemoJam. It was, as Jan would say, "Awesome". No really, to present at SAP TechEd DemoJam is still a boy's dream.

SAP TechEd 2015 Wednesday / Thursday wrap

De SAP TechEd in Europa duurt 3 dagen. Drie dagen waarin SAP het laatste nieuws brengt in lezingen (285 stuks) of roadmap sessies (93). Ook kun je handson aan de slag in een van de 127 workshops. Nog een behoorlijke uitdaging om je eigen agenda samen te stellen uit het totale aanbod van 996 sessies. Gelukkig was The Next View aanwezig met maar liefst 7 collega’s en konden we onze aandacht verspreiden over onze drie pijlers: Big Data, Cloud & Mobile Apps en Security. In deze blog een samenvatting van de tweede en derde dag.

SAP TechEd 2015 Day 2

Na een korte nacht met 3 uur slaap stappen we wederom de Fira de Barcelona binnen. De innovatiewedstrijd SAP InnoJam nadert het einde en alle teams hebben nog genoeg open punten. Zo ook het team van The Next View. Werken met nieuwe technologie is leuk en leidt tot veel enthousiasme. Ronald: het is een leuke ervaring en fantastische manier om in een veel te korte tijd een business case technisch uit te werken. Zoals gewoonlijk ook weer te veel om te doen in te weinig tijd.

SAP TechEd 2015 Day 1

Zondagochtend 8:00 lopen we de Fira de Barcelona binnen. Het team van The Next View is klaar voor de InnoJam . SAP organiseert een hackaton van 2 dagen voorafgaand aan het SAP TechEd congres. Dit jaar strijden 18 teams van 5 personen met elkaar. De inzet is de deelname aan de prestigieuze DemoJam op dinsdagavond. Alleen de 6 beste teams gaan door naar deze finale. Een talentenshow zo gezegd, maar dan met zakelijke uitdagingen.

This week at SAP // 44

A week with some SAP TechEd replay highlights Keynote Steve Lucas , Global President SAP Platform & Analytics

This week at SAP // 41

Jo Confine Why Lego's CEO Thinks More Grown-Ups Should Play At Work “Creative companies create inspiring environments. Tim Brown of innovation and design company Ideo says play creates a risk-free environment that encourages people to experiment, as there is no such thing as failure.” Lego offers Serious Play , a set of Lego bricks and a Design Thinking like methodology. I vote for more Lego at work ;-)

SAP Mentor Minute

Want to find out why I will attend SAP TechEd and where you can meet me? This year several SAP Mentors recorded a SAP Mentor Minute video just to explain that. Mine is here:

SAP Inside Track Netherlands 007 with CodeJam UI5

Calling out for heroes, secret agents, extras, ... YOU! Another episode of sitNL, number 007 to be precise. Let’s theme our own SAP TechEd recap event into a James Bond one calling it “The Cloud Is Not Enough”.

Design Thinking explained with life experiences

Yesterday I was invited at the VNSG focusgroup CRM to talk about Design Thinking . With the experiences of 5+ customers and events like InnoJam I covered the following topics:

This week at SAP // 30

Jeff Word, Thomas Jung, Rich Heilman  HANAfy your ABAP skills ABAP gurus Thomas and Rich explain how to HANAfy your ABAP skills. Get a SQL book and read twice, at least ;-) In the past you had to stay away from the database, now you have to get close with the database. And for customers: what to do with all your custom developments. Vitaliy Rudnytskiy Developing and deploying applications on SAP HANA Clear explanation of all the underlying parts of SAPHCP with example use cases by SCN community members.

Simplify your SAP system with SAP HANA Cloud Platform

Run Simple , Next Generation Business Suite , Simplify , de one-liners vliegen je om de oren. Mooie beloftes van SAP om haar business suite te vereenvoudigen. Wat vervolgens niet helpt is om termen als Suite on HANA en Suite for HANA, de opvolgers van het bekende SAP ECC, naast elkaar te gebruiken. Wat is het verschil? Hoe helpt dit bij het vereenvoudigen van je omgeving? En wat betekent dit voor het bestaande maatwerk? In deze blog geef ik antwoord op deze en andere vragen. Wie had dat 5 jaar geleden gedacht, de woorden SAP en Simpel in één zin gebruiken. Nu zien we dat SAP vol inzet op “Run Simple”. Enerzijds verbeteren ze de gebruikerservaring met SAP Fiori en anderzijds ze pakken de ERP suite grondig aan door deze te herschrijven. Want dat is waar SAP mee bezig is: het opnieuw ontwikkelen van SAP ERP. Waarom? In de nieuwe suite kunnen klanten optimaal gebruik maken van het HANA platform en dan met name de in-memory database.

This week at SAP // 27

Jeff Word Killer use cases at Centerpoint part I and part II How to make use of the possibilities that SAP HANA Platform offers. These two episodes explain how agents of a utilities call center are supported with predictive analysis. Customers are ‘mind read’ and when a customer calls the agent ‘knows’ what the customer is calling about. Vinnie Mirchandani SAP Nation 2.0: The Bigger Story Vinnie is working on his successor of SAP Nation. Initially to address the launch of S/4HANA, but along the way customer stories and the troubles in aligning SAP acquisitions got to his writing table. Will be an interesting read.

Interview on possibilities SAP HANA Cloud Platform

At SAP Innovation forum I was interviewed about the possibilities of SAP's HANA Cloud Platform. Video is in Dutch. So a short translation in English ;-)

This week at SAP // 26

Episode 2015.26 Jan Penninkhof The future looks bright for SAP users! Jan spotted the future of SAP Fiori - SAP internally called Fiori 2.0. Unfortunately no screenshots yet. Tamas Szirtes Designed with love, VNSG UEX meeting about SAPUI5 Tamas shares a bit more insights in Fiori 2.0, no screenshots either :(

Recap CodeJam Internet of Things with SAPHCP

May 29 2015, about 25 developers gathered at The Next View for another great SAP CodeJam event . This time all about Internet of Things with SAP HANA Cloud Platform . There is a lot to find online and here on SCN regarding the iot topic. It is a hot topic, some even call it the ‘new mobile’. But, as we have discussed that during the podcast, it’s not the new mobile as IoT has a much broader impact on both our personal as well as on our business lives. With the newly announced (SAPPHIRE NOW 2015) IoT services for SAPHCP, SAP is really helping out developers to use the platform for IoT scenarios. With SAP’s tools you are facilitated in the development process so that you can focus on the actual scenario that you want to realise. And SAP promises to deliver much more new IoT services in the near future. Look forward to that …

Podcast Internet of Things with SAP HANA Cloud Platform

Just after the CodeJam event we sat together and recorded a podcast on Internet of Things with SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

Professional Scrum Master \o/

Since 2009 I am a big fan of doing scrum , especially in SAP projects. I know there is a lot of fuzz going on around scrum, again especially in SAP projects ;-) But I am convinced that using scrum will really help you to fulfil your customer needs. Not the needs that have been defined some time ago, but the actual requirements to support business challenges. Requirements that can change along the way, just like business challenges. In the years since 2009 I've done a lot of talks on scrum , coached a lot of projects but 'forgot' to certify myself... So that was my personal challenge early May.

Land Rover Experience

Last Saturday we participated in a Land Rover Experience with a few colleagues from The Next View. 4 Defenders and some rough terrain to go through - what an experience. Really amazing what a Defender can do.

This week at SAP // 19

New title for series of blogposts, felt that "An SAP week in Links" just wasn't that catchy ;-) Episode 2015.19 Moya Watson What’s New In HANA Cloud Platform - The SAPPHIRE NOW Announcements Read about SAPHCP Internet of Thing Services. Hope we can get this to the CodeJam end of May. New as well: the Gamification service for enterprise applications.  Matthias Steiner The dark side of IoT Matthias explains where IoT came from and how it is related to Industry 4.0.  Machine integration, process integration, IoT platform and Big Data platform. The Future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed.

Recap SAPPHIRE NOW keynotes 2015

With all new things happening in the SAP world, like S/4HANA and IoT, I wish I could have made it to Orlando for SAPPHIRE NOW this week. But luckily SAP shares a lot online, including the full replay of the keynotes. Bill McDermott

An SAP week in links // 18

Episode 2015.18 Jan Penninkhof Custom UI5 themes showcase Jan collects custom UI5 themes, who wants to support? Add your own theme to the collection. Andreas Schmitz What is SAP S/4HANA? 13 Questions Answered Preparations for next weeks SAPPHIRENOW event. Main theme will be S/4HANA, which will be no surprise ;-)

Pictures meeting VNSG Custom Development Focus group with CodeJam

The pictures of the VNSG Custom Development Group are online in my Flickr album . The combination with an SAP CodeJam "ABAP on HANA with Fiori" was a good one, for the second time we had a full house. Jens supporting with the exercises.

Podcast CodeJam ABAP on HANA with Fiori

A new episode in our HANA Cafe NL series, today we discussed the CodeJam   ABAP on HANA with Fiori

An SAP week in links // 17

Episode 2015.17 Rui Nogueira HTML5 apps with SAP Web IDE on SAP HANA Cloud Platform Another detailed blog by Rui on how to create an HTML5 app, this time using the WebIDE. As a result you'll have Fiori tiles presenting you the weather forecast. Gregor Wolf Raspberry Pi on SAP HANA Cloud Platform - without Java - Part 1: XSODATA Backend Internet of Things with a Raspberry Pi, inspired by Rui , but now without the die-hard Java coding piece. Gregor uses the WebIDE.

Simplify your SAP system with SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SAPHCP)

April 8, SAP Innovation Forum at SAP Netherlands . My talk about simplicity, run simple with SAP. With SAP HANA Cloud Platform to be precise.

Building an SAP HCP app, a travel report (#sitFRA)

Saturday March 21, the first SAP Inside Track in Frankfurt. Perfectly organized by Hendrik Neumann, Christian Braukmüller and Tobias Trapp. In case you have missed it, relive the event with Storify . I got the opportunity to do a talk on our experiences to build an SAP HCP app.  Picture by Cemal A.

An SAP week in links // 13

Episode 2015.13 Jeff Word SAP drinks its champagne - Part 1 & Part 2 Jeff interviews SAP Americas CIO and they discuss the implementation of both BW and ECC on HANA. Good story and clear lessons learned that other customers can benefit from. John Appleby 10 Golden Rules for SAP Suite on HANA & S/4HANA Migrations 10 Golden rules, well actually 11 :) A migration to Suite on HANA is not a technical migration, sure a major part is technology, but do not underestimate the impact on business. Better: use the momentum to get rid of all your old, sometimes even dead, custom developments. Back to standard SAP.

Interview about SAP Fiori and Mobile Services

Mark Raben invited me to his innovation show for SAP NL, a monthly round table talk with customers, partners and SAP colleagues. In an interview we talked about: SAP Fiori SAP HANA Cloud Platform Mobile Services Do you still need a platform to run SAP Fiori? Opportunities What are new opportunities with Fiori and a mobile platform

How to become a thought leader

SAP Marketing manager Mark van Heijningen published a blog on how to become a thought leader . Nice blog and I'm really proud that Mark mentioned me ;-)

Design Thinking at PWN IV Innodag

On Friday November 14th 2014, just right after SAP TechEd, I was involved as Design Thinking coach in a customer innovation day . An InnoJam style day that started with Design Thinking and lead us via prototyping to really interesting scenarios. These have been evaluated by business and IT and lead to a real project to support service engineers.

CodeJam SAP HANA Cloud with Internet of Things

Ever wondered what the IoT, Internet of Things topic is all about? And do you know why SAP is very active in this area? A good start is the SAP IoT YouTube channel . Next is to read about it in some great blogs: Blog series by Rui Nogueira - RaspberryPi on SAP HANA Cloud Platform Blog Craig Cmehil - IoT with SAP HANA DEV Blog Aaron Williams - IoT Christmas Tree Blog Mark Teichmann - Automated Processes based on Cloud Sensors

Recap DKOM in HANA Café NL podcast

A recap of SAP's internal DKOM meeting, the SAP Developer Kickoff Meeting, held in Walldorf on March 3.

S/4HANA: SAP's business suite opnieuw uitgevonden

SAP heeft op 3 februari haar nieuwe business suite aangekondigd . Bill McDermott, CEO SAP AG, Hasso Plattner, SAP Founder and Chairman of the SAP Supervisory Board, en Bernd Leukert, Member of the Executive Board of SAP, hebben de SAP Business Suite for SAP HANA geïntroduceerd. SAP’s Next Big Thing. Bill McDermott noemt het zelfs SAP’s grootste aankondiging ooit.

Recap DKOM 2015

Topics that have been discussed in our 10th episode:

Crediteuren dashboard in de SAP HANA Cloud

Een crediteuren dashboard in de cloud. Een dashboard dat real-time inzicht biedt in openstaande facturen en dat in abonnementsvorm afgenomen kan worden, dus voor vaste kosten per gebruiker per maand. Kan dat zomaar? Hoe integreert dit met mijn huidige SAP data? Is het wel veilig in de (SAP HANA) cloud? In deze blog geef ik antwoord op deze en meer vragen.

SAP Mobile Platform volgt nieuwe strategie

In een interview met Rick Costanzo, Executive Vice President & General Manager Global Mobility Solutions bij SAP AG, kregen we een update op de mobiele strategie van SAP. Een gesprek dat niet zozeer over de mobility bits&bytes ging, maar vooral om de voordelen voor de eindgebruiker. Mobility is niet een op zichzelf staand iets. Mobility ondersteunt een eindgebruiker in zijn proces. Het gaat tegenwoordig meer over het ontsluiten en combineren van (cloud) functionaliteit, analytische functies en big data. En het SAP Mobile Platform speelt hierin een belangrijke rol.