Recap CodeJam SAPUI5 's Hertogenbosch
SAP Sports One and SAPUI5
November 20, one day before the SAP Inside Track Netherlands (sitnl in short) 28 developers gathered at The Next View for an SAP CodeJam. Denise Nepraunig and Andreas Kunz lead us into the wonderful world ofsapui5. As a special feature we not only covered the UI5 basics but also got briefed on building custom controls. Like SAP did heavily with the SAP Sports One app:Interested in other SAP CodeJam events? See the event space here at SCN.
CodeJam recap
Andreas showing the SAP Sports One app, coding the … out of SAPUI5Heavy UI5 coding going on.
At CodeJam events you always meet a lot of serious looking people.
Fighting the custom control
And of course the CodeJam food. We did a bit different this time. In stead of preordering a lot of food and hoping everyone would shop up, we now asked the participants who wanted to stay for dinner. So with a bunch of pizza’s and some cola we really had a ‘developer event’ ;-)
Wrapping up the CodeJam with a HANA Café NL podcast episode, recorded in English

In this episode we covered
- What does SAPUI5 mean to ‘traditional’ ABAP developers
- How Phoenix and SAPUI5 are related
- Project experiences about map integration into UI5 app
- New features with running project runtime adaptation to enable keyusers to change a running UI5 app
Thanks to Denise, Andreas and the SAP CodeJam organization team (special shout out to Krishna Dalal) for reaching out to the development community.