This week at SAP // 37

It's been waaaay too long ago, let me try to pick up a good habit of sharing SAP news on a weekly basis in "This week at SAP".

Matthias Steiner
SAPHCP - The big picture
SAPHCP is one of SAP's corner stones. Did you know it is general available for 4 years now? When did you first hear about it? Remember Neo and SAP River? Matthias covers Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, Business services and the API hub. Excellent piece on SAP's road towards an open cloud platform.

Rui Nogueira
The road ahead with SAP HANA Cloud Platform and Cloud Foundry
Rui explains that with Cloud Foundry and OpenStack SAP's HANA Cloud Platform now is able to add additional deployment models and additional programming languages/models are added. So now you can bring your own language to SAPHCP.

Moya Watson
#sitSV Takes the online world by storm!
A recap by Moya on last week's SAP Inside Track Silicon Valley. The best sit experience is joining live of course. But the sitSV folks did a great job attending this community event online. A challenge for future Inside Tracks to match this experience.

Patrick Colucci
The Easiest Way to Stream your iPhone's Sensor Data to HANA Cloud Platform
A great step-by-step tutorial on your first steps with Internet of Things. Use your phone's sensors and stream data to SAP HANA Cloud Platform. Patrick developed the SensorPhone App that gathers the data and streams to SAPHCP.

Anthony McLeod
Visualizing iPhone Sensor Data with SAPUI5
So now you have the data in SAPHCP, what's next? You want to visualise this. Again a well written step-by-step tutorial as a sequel on the SensorPhone blog.


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